The morning of Nov 10th. I'm lying in bed. It's cold. It's freezing. When I open my eyes and breath I can see clouds of it in the air. But, I , In my two layers of thermal t-shirts am snug and warm under the covers.
I was making a point of getting up early in time for class that morning, after my few days in Ireland meeting the friends and the folks. I decided I'd go to bed early, to enhance my chances of getting up early and fresh as a daisy. Was not going to miss this class. No. Fucking. Way.
I went to bed at 3am.
From between 6am and 9am I woke up at regular intervals, such was my enthusiasm for getting up early for this class. I was in and out of sleep in the same manner a person blinks their eyes, snapping in and out of regular patterns of darkness and light.
Somehow, and I don't know how, on the second last time that I opened my eyes from my sleep It was 12.44pm. Not 12.45, not a quarter to one. It was 12.44pm. I didn't check my watch or my phone.
I just knew it was 12.44pm.
Sleepy sleepy snoozey snooze |
I had missed my class. Shit. For about 10 seconds I lay there in equal, consecutive moods of disbelief, anger, despair, and finally acceptance. The stages of anger or whatever it's called. Acceptance is the most important stage.
Fuck it, I missed it.
Then I realised my dissertation class was at 1pm. Seeing as it was 12.44pm, there was no chance I'd be able to get up, get dressed, and walk to class in time. So once again, fuck it. I'm going back to sleep.
I'm warm, I'm comfortable, I'm as snug as a cinnamon bud in a rug, or something equally as warm and comforting.
Then bam, I drift back into light and that ringing noise I hear is my alarm going off waking me up. It's 9am.
YES! I hadn't missed class!!!
But.......... I had already accepted that I did. So now it's really decision time. After putting my alarm on snooze for the following 9 minutes I weighed up the pros and cons and made the right choice, my original choice, and I got out of bed and went to class.